Never moved? So lame! 

By Sophia Maurizi (7d)

I started school as a nervous shy girl who didn’t speak a word of English and rolled her Rs in French. My kindergarten teacher always said that I had Italian Rs, probably because I’d lived in Italy most of my life.

The thing is… I didn’t! I’ve lived in Switzerland my whole life. I wasn’t even born in Italy. And that’s what confused so many people, that’s how I would always start my story. 

I always thought it was so embarrassing and complicated when I launched off in the explanations. I would dread meeting new people entirely because of this reason. When someone would ask the famous question, I would sigh, and start explaining. 

– So I’m Italian, but I never lived there, and I wasn’t born there!

I would start hoping people wouldn’t ask any other questions. But they always did. 

– So how are you Italian? They would ask.

– My passport says so.

I would answer by blaming my passport. 

 – Why does it say so?

Now they looked confused.

– Probably because my whole family is Italian. I explained. 

– Oh nice! Where does your family come from?

At that point they were forcing a smile. That would normally be my cue to stop talking or change the subject, but I’m too much of a perfectionist to do that. 

– You don’t know the place! I would reply.

Sometimes they would say, “try me”, and when I told them their shoulders would droop and they would let out a defeated “oh”- which was still better than being embarrassed by someone who actually knew the place. 

After that conversation I would open my mouth to ask the same question, but at that point, if we were in class the teacher would announce a break, if they were cooking, the meal would be served, if I was on a trip we would have arrived at our destination etc. 

And I have learned to just say “Italy” and “Rome” to simplify everything, even if my parents weren’t from Rome and they’d only lived there for a long time. And if the strangers believed that I lived there or was born there… Too bad, their problem! I’ll just let them believe!

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