“My anger is both the cage and the key”: A Powerful Poem

poem by Harveen Kaur 9C from our Junior Update!

Where do I put all this anger?

My veins are overflowing with it. 

It pulsates to the beat of my heart.

My vision turns crimson,

My heart, a lion trapped in my rib cage

I have become an automaton,

Vengeance, my only desire

I become blind,

Unattuned to my surroundings and the feelings of others.

You don’t know the things I could have done,

The sun envious of how brightly my soul burns,

With hatred.

A passion like no other.

It is your anger that holds you together

When all your other Emotions flee from the scene

It is anger that coddles you 

And tells you everything will be okay

It is your anger that cares

It is your anger that tells you that

You deserve more

And it is your anger that ruins and hurts

Who comes to you when everyone you love leaves?

When you are left with nothing but a hole 

where your heart used to be 

And a hollowness in your soul,

That is until your anger slams the door to your house,

Barges in.

You might hate it afterwards,

But there is no denying the fuel that ignites in your veins

At the slightest stroke of the cord of anger.

It burns and burns and stands tall.

You relish the feeling.

I become powerful

I become infinite

And in my haze, I forget 

the mortality flowing through my veins

And when I need it most,

My anger leaves,

And I sit, wrecked, bleeding, 

Hurt and grieving

All alone.

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